Electronic Document Management Programm
Young Scientists Union “Intellect” offers document management software to help with the implementation and development of technological innovations.
The software:
1. Registers different types of incoming and outgoing documents as well as internal correspondence of Sakrebulos and Gamgeobas and the development of a corresponding database;
2. If necessary, links the related correspondence to each other;
3. Enables the heads of Sakrebulos and Gamgeobas to monitor and supervise staff activities to accomplish various relevant tasks at any time;
4. Provides search options by several parameters;
5. Creates a database for supplementing documents to the various incoming and outgoing documents;.
6. Develops a registration journal and printing option for the desired time interval;
7. Registration journals for correspondence from natural persons and legal persons (except from LEPL);
8. Creating registration journals for incoming and outgoing documents from/to LEPL and for internal correspondence;
9. Shows the entire route of correspondence through various departments;
10. Creates Sakrebulos and Gamgeobas services and a personnel keeping system;
11. Registers correspondence and ataches it to relevant departments and agencies in accordance with the approved procedures.
The software allows executive managers and heads of departments to maintain effective control over various departments and agencies. It also ensures immediate electronic registration and delivery of documents to the addressee. The software has a plain search menu and sorting option for processing various statistical information. It will make your work easier and save you time and money.
For additional information, please contact:
(+995 92) 57 18 00;
(+995 422) 24 16 40;
(+995 422) 24 16 50;
Batumi, 18 Pirosmani Street, II Floor
Young Scientists Union “Intellect”