Market Research
Together with many other factors, business success depends on the type of the market in which a company is operating. Young Scientists Union “Intellect” provides companies with fundamental, objective analysis of the business environment, which includes: competitor analysis (market share, pricing, etc.), consumer analysis (what do customers think about provided products and services), and analysis of the new market (estimation of an alternative market where product placement is possible).
Market research allows companies to determine whether or not their activities satisfy the needs and expectations of their customers. Additionally, market research allows companies to plan future development and to measure the size, requirements, and competitiveness of the target market.
Components that are included in our service:
- Developing research design;
- Conducting research;
- Developing research outcomes;
- Making correlative analysis;
- Preparing conclusions and recommendations.
For further information, please contact us:
(+995 92) 57 18 00;
(+995 422) 24 16 40;
(+995 422) 24 16 50;
Or apply to our address: #18, Pirosmani Str., II floor, Batumi
Young Scientists Union “Intellect”